6th ELI-ALPS User Workshop

Conference Hall (ELI-ALPS Research Institute)

Conference Hall

ELI-ALPS Research Institute

H-6728 Szeged, Budapesti út 5.

The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) is organizing its sixth User Workshop on November 15 - 16 2018, in Szeged, Hungary.

The ELI-ALPS being implemented in Szeged, Hungary is one of the three pillars of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) listed in the ESFRI roadmap. It will be the first international facility with the mission to make a wide range of ultrafast light and particle sources accessible to international user groups. The first laser systems (Mid-IR and High Repetition Rate) have been installed end of 2017 and are operational since the beginning of 2018. Using these lasers systems the first commissioning experiments by expert users have been, are currently and are scheduled to be implemented in this year, in the framework of collaboration MoUs with ELI-ALPS.

ELI-ALPS, as an international user facility, is undertaking actions towards forming an international user community and incorporating users from a broad spectrum of disciplines, research areas and technological/industrial application. The 6th workshop is in the framework of these actions as a continuation of the “preparatory” 5th users’ workshop of 2017.

The program

• talks on finalized experiments, of ongoing and scheduled campaigns as well as on future commissioning experiments of beam-line and end-station developers

• round table discussion targeting the sharing of experiences impressions and improvement suggestions of the commissioning users is considered

The agenda of this meeting is empty