Public transport in Szeged
Public transport timetable, prices and network map is available at this site:
You can get to ELI-ALPS facility by using bus 72A from Széchenyi tér (in the city centre), and take off at ELI Lézeres Kutatóközpont station. Your travelling time will take approximately 15 minutes. You can purchase your ticket from the driver or in the city centre as well.
Also, you can take bus 71 and 72 from city centre (Széchenyi tér) and take off at 'Öthalmi Diáklakások' 5 short minutes away from ELI-ALPS facility.
Taxi service in Szeged
We recommend that you call the following local taxi service providers:
Rádió Taxi Szeged
Tel: +36 62 333-333, +36 62 480-480, +36 20 3480-480, +36 20 3933-333, +36 30 3480-480
Tempó Taxi Szeged
Tel: +36 62 490-490, +36 80 822-222, +36 30 2822-222, +36 20 9822-222